We believe that parents should lead in discipling their children to grow into maturity into the head of the Church and the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ. God has entrusted children to parents as their primary disciple-makers and the church as co-laborers. The church desires to come alongside parents by helping to grow our children in Christ-likeness through in-depth Christ-centered Bible study, comprehensive Biblical theology and expressive, theologically rich music.
We desire that through teaching the Bible, the basics of the Christian faith, and historic, orthodox Christian forms of worship, we will help develop patterns and practices in children and families lives to give the Holy Spirit kindling to ignite the flame of godliness for the glory of God.
Sunday School
The children are using a wonderful curriculum called The Gospel Project, which takes them on a 3-year-cycle journey through the Bible chronologically. The emphasis is placed upon God’s plan of redemption through His Son, Jesus Christ, and how that plan can be seen in every book of the Bible. Classes are available for children ages 2 years old to 12th grade. There is a nursery available for those younger than two. Children age 2 and 3 stay in their classroom for the second hour of the service. Those age 4 and up join their parents in the service, with 4-6 dismissed after the singing.
Children’s Church
Each Sunday, children ages 3 to 5 are dismissed from the main service before the sermon to attend Children's Church, where they are introduced to the core beliefs of the Christian faith in an age-appropriate setting. The curriculum, Big Questions and Answers, seeks to answer questions like "Can anybody tell me what God is like?", "How can we be saved?", and "Why do God's people go to church?"
Preschool Choir
The preschool choir is for children age 3 years old to 5 years old. The teachers use simple songs and active movements to engage children in the praise of the Lord.
Younger Kids Choir
The younger kids choir is for children in kindergarten and 1st grade. The teachers aim to teach these precious kids more about who God is through hands-on lessons, activities, and music! They sing in the church several times a year
Older Kids Choir
The older kids choir is for children in 2nd-5th grades. This choir is designed to teach the youngsters how to find their way around a hymnal and to become familiar with great texts and tunes of our holy faith. The students memorize a hymn each month, prepare music to sing in worship, and cover basic skills on how to use their unique God-crafted instrument called their voice to glorify God. "I will sing unto the Lord because He has dealt bountifully with me." (Psalm 13)
Preschool Class (Ages 3-5)
The goal of this fun class is to hide God's word in our hearts by memorizing Scripture, teaching Bible songs, & learning stories from the Bible in a visual & "hands on" way. Using the extension lessons that are taught in Children's Church, the teachers work on cementing solid Biblical truths in small hearts and minds.
Elementary Grades (K-5th)
With a view that children can be taught solid doctrine at a young age, the goal of the Wednesday night classes is to place our children on a firm foundation of Biblical truths. With Sunday School focusing on the events and people of the Bible, the Wednesday night classes are designed to give teaching on doctrine about who God is and who we are in His created world. These classes are broken up as follows: K/1st, 2nd/3rd, and 4th/5th.
Middle School (6th-8th)
The aim of the middle school class is to develop students who love the Word, can navigate through it, and who know how to use the Bible in their everyday lives. The class is made up of instruction and discussion with teachers who love students and the Bible.
High School (9th-12th)
The high school class is an in-depth class set to challenge teens with the Word and what it means to be a follower of Christ. With teachers who are knowledgeable, yet engaging on a youth level, the teens will be better equipped in sound doctrine and the Word for when they leave high school.