The Power of an Invitation

“In that day declares the Lord of hosts, every one of you will invite his neighbor to come under his vine and under his fig tree.” Zechariah 3:10


Dear Beloved,

There is power in an invitation. My life forever changed when I was invited to go to a Christian club in high school where I learned the gospel and accepted the Lord. My life was changed when I was invited to play football by my high school football coach. My life was changed again when I invited Ellen to grab a cup of coffee. My life was changed yet again when I was invited to preach at Park Baptist Church and then invited to become the pastor of this great church.

There is power in an invitation. Jesus spent his ministry inviting people to follow him. The invitation of Jesus changed Matthew’s life forever. A despised tax collector invited to walk as a friend with the Messiah. The invitation of Jesus changed Peter’s life forever. A brash, proud fisherman invited to lead the church in humility. The invitation of Jesus changed Paul’s life forever. A violent, vindictive persecutor invited to be a spotlight of God’s glorious grace. There is power in an invitation.

As God’s people, we are called to be Christ’s ambassadors. We are called to follow his example. We are called to be lovers of strangers helping to reconcile them to the Savior. We are called to follow Christ by extending invitations to the world to go deeper with Christ. Christ invited people to follow him and now asks his people to invite others to follow him. It is a simple assignment. Invite others into your life so that they may see and know Christ.

When was the last time you invited someone to church? When was the last time you invited a neighbor into your home for a meal? When was the last time you invited a young believer to a deeper friendship? When was the last time you invited someone to read the Word with you? When was the last time you invited someone to follow Christ?

God invited you to follow him and your life was forever changed. God sent Jesus to save the world through an invitation to believe in the hope of his death, burial and resurrection. Allow God to use you to help change someone else’s life forever by using the power of a simple, thoughtful invitation to experience the life of grace and the power of the gospel. Who knows how a simple invitation could change someone’s life. Join in the Lord’s work by extending a powerful life-changing invitation today for there is power in an invitation.

Dave KiehnComment