Park Baptist Church is comprised of baptized believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Fulfilling the Great Commandment and Commission
We strive to do everything, whether word or deed, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ through the power of the Spirit to the glory of God the Father. We believe that God has given us a perfect record in the Holy Scriptures to provide us with all that we need for life and godliness. We desire to live as a holy and faithful community as we seek to fulfill the Great Commandment:
And the Great Commission:
What We Believe
The Baptist Faith and Message 2000
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Pastor Dave's Website
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(803) 324-2915
Corporate Gatherings
717 E. Main Street
Rock Hill, SC 29730
Pastor David Kiehn - Senior Pastor
Rev. Kiehn began his ministry at Park Baptist Church on July 1 st, 2012. He most recently served as the Residential Director of the New Horizons Family Center, a group home for teenage mothers and their children in the foster care system. He graduated with a B.A. in Intellectual History from the University of Pennsylvania and received his Masters of Divinity at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and is currently pursuing his PhD in North American Missiology as SEBTS as well. He is the author of over ten books. Rev. Kiehn started his career through the Teach for America program, teaching both High School History and Mathematics at Dunbar Senior High School in Washington, D.C. Following his teaching career, Rev. Kiehn took over leadership of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes in Washington, D.C. He is married to his beautiful wife, Ellen, and they have three children, Elizabeth, John David and Olivia.
John Whiteaker - director of college and youth
Hello, I am John Whiteaker and I am the collegiate/youth director at Park Baptist Church. I am 25 years old and married to my wife Jamie. She graduated from Winthrop University and is a 3 rd grade teacher at Hickory Grove Sharon elementary school. We have been attending Park for around 5 years. I was saved my 9 th grade summer around 10 years ago. Since then, I have loved making disciples and it was for a long time in high school ministry. Now I am making disciples in college ministry, while I attend Southeastern Theological Baptist Seminary.
Carrie Blankenship - Financial Secretary and Office Administrator
Carrie has served at Park for over a year. She is responsible to oversee our finances and office administration. Carrie’s life is full of loving on her kids and the college students. She also serves as Remedy Kids Director at Remedy Church and is involved with Winthrop's Baptist Collegiate Ministry as her husband serves as the BCM Director.
Jennie Shellenburger - Director of children
Jennie Shellenberger is a local from Rock Hill who has been at Park Baptist since fall of 2007. She is a graduate of Winthrop University back when BCM was called BSU, and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Jennie has spent much of her life serving children in various aspects no matter what state and church the Lord has her in, including Boy Scout day camps, Christian overnight camps, YMCA childcare, and many (many!) children's classes taught in local churches, not to mention homeschooling her own little tribe of mini-Shellenbergers. She loves anything that involves being outside, especially hiking, sports, and yard work. Jennie has been married to Bobby for 15 years, and together they love their God, endeavor to teach others about Him, and enjoy serving the family at Park Baptist
Adam Landreth - Director of music
Adam is married to his wife, Ellen. They are parents to Adeline, Lorelai, and Hollis (due 10/20) and their standard poodles, Chloe and Zoey. Adam is the Director of Online Programs for the Bryan School of Business and Economics at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and Ellen is a stay at home mom with their girls. Adam has a BS in International Business and Global Economic Policy, a BA in Political Science, and a M.A in Management and Leadership. Over the last decade he has led youth and adult choirs, directed cantatas, led congregational singing and been the minister of music in churches of which he has been a member. Adam came to Park in 2014 when he and Ellen married and began leading our music in 2016.
Corporate Gatherings
To help visitors understand how we gather as a church, we have provided descriptions of each of our weekly services. Generally, our services are characterized by solemn contemplation of the Bible and its doctrines, passionate corporate singing, and friendly interaction with one another and our guests. After you get a taste for our church by our words, please come see us live them out as we gather together to praise our God.
Sunday Morning
Age-wise, we are mixed. We have young families, widows, college students and empty-nesters. Sunday morning attendance is between 100 and 150 people. Dress trends toward business-casual, though you can find anything from jeans to suits. People are friendly and want to make sure visitors feel welcomed.
On Sunday morning at 9:45am we come together for an hour of Sunday School classes, in which we learn about God’s Word and its application to all areas of life. Following that, we begin our Sunday morning service at 11am.
The music we sing at Park is a blend of old and new. We love the doctrinally rich hymns of the sixteenth century and we find blessing in the choruses of the twenty-first. Most of us who are comfortable with music from one particular era have discovered, while at Park, that we have come to enjoy other songs we had not previously encountered. We strongly prefer congregational singing, which emphasizes the gathered body singing praise to God with one voice. We do also have special songs giving the congregation an opportunity to praise God through reflecting on the songs sung by various members of the congregation and choir.
Body of Service
Our service formally begins at 11am, we were sing congregational songs, hear God’s Word read and preached, give and spend time in corporate prayer lead by one of our deacons and pastors.
Preaching at Park is generally expositional, meaning that it seeks to declare the point of a particular Biblical passage. Sermons usually last around 35-40 minutes and are packed with material for reflection. On a regular basis, our sermon series alternate between the Old and New Testaments. All preaching is driven by the Gospel, the Bible’s main message of God saving sinners through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Sunday Night Service
Our evening service is more informal and has more of a family-atmosphere. We begin at 6pm with congregational singing, followed by announcements and a time of meditation on the Word. Sermons may be through a book of the Bible from the opposite Testament preached in the morning, a topical series or a passage related to the morning message. There also is a time of testimony and sharing from the members of the church. We have a children’s choir for ages 3-6 and a time of Bible Memory, Catechism and Bible Knowledge for ages 7-12.
Wednesday Night
We meet at 6:30 for a time of corporate prayer where we lift of up the physical and spiritual needs of the church family. After a time of prayer, there is a 20 minute message from the Bible. We have children’s programs for children birth through 12 years old. There is an organized choir practice following the prayer and Bible time. There are several families that meet earlier for dinner at 5 pm in the Christian Activities Building. All are welcome.
Children's Philosophy and Programs
We believe that parents should lead in discipling their children to grow into maturity into the head of the Church and the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ. God has entrusted children to parents as their primary disciple-makers and the church as co-laborers. The church desires to come alongside parents by helping to grow our children in Christ-likeness through in-depth Christ-centered Bible study, comprehensive Biblical theology and expressive, theologically rich music.
We desire that through teaching the Bible, the basics of the Christian faith, and historic, orthodox Christian forms of worship, we will help develop patterns and practices in children and families lives to give the Holy Spirit kindling to ignite the flame of godliness for the glory of God.
Sunday Mornings
Sunday School
The children are using a wonderful curriculum called The Gospel Project, which takes them on a 3-year-cycle journey through the Bible chronologically. The emphasis is placed upon God’s plan of redemption through His Son, Jesus Christ, and how that plan can be seen in every book of the Bible. Classes are available for children ages 3 years old to 6th grade. There is a nursery available for those younger than three.
Children’s Church
Each Sunday, children ages 3 to 6 are dismissed from the main service before the sermon to attend Children's Church, where they are introduced to the core beliefs of the Christian faith in an age-appropriate setting. The curriculum, Big Questions and Answers, seeks to answer questions like "Can anybody tell me what God is like?", "How can we be saved?", and "Why do God's people go to church?"
Sunday Evenings
Younger Kids Choir
The younger kids choir is for children age 3 years old to 6 years old. The teachers aim to teach these precious kids more about who God is through hands-on lessons, activities, and music! They sing in the church several times a year
Older Kids Choir
The older kids choir is for children age 7 years old to 12 years old. This choir is designed to teach the youngsters how to find their way around a hymnal and to become familiar with great texts and tunes of our holy faith. The students memorize a hymn each month, prepare music to sing in worship, and cover basic skills on how to use their unique God-crafted instrument called their voice to glorify God. "I will sing unto the Lord because He has dealt bountifully with me." (Psalm 13)
Wednesday Evenings
Preschool Class (Ages 3-5)
The goal of this fun class is to hide God's word in our hearts by memorizing Scripture, teaching Bible songs, & learning stories from the Bible in a visual & "hands on" way. This includes memorizing Ephesians 6 and the 12 disciples, and learning about the life of Jesus.
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade Class
Using the curriculum “Jesus, What a Savior!”, the children study how the Bible proclaims the need of a Savior, and that the free gift of salvation is offered to even them!
3rd-6th Grade Girls
The girls are discipled on how to read their Bible through personal devotions, prayer journal, Scripture memory and how to do them daily and apply to their lives.
3rd-6th Grade Boys
The boys are discipled through the book of Proverbs, learning wisdom. They learn the benefits of wisdom, its applications, and how wisdom relates to salvation.
1-on-1 Discipleship
God in His grace has not made us to walk alone in the Christian life. In one-on- one discipling relationships, two Christians of the same sex meet to study Scripture, hold one another accountable, and pray. Within this basic framework, discipling relationships may take a number of different shapes: an elder member may disciple a younger member, a more mature Christian might disciple a younger Christian, or peers in the faith might effectively disciple one another.
The discipling meetings center on discussion and application of a spiritually rich book or Bible passage and are appended by prayer. One-on-one discipling acts as a catalyst to Christian growth, helping us bear one another’s sorrows and joys.
Hospitality in the New Testament seems to be less of a specific activity (e.g. "invite someone to your house for dinner") and more of a mindset of folding strangers into your life. That Biblical idea of hospitality is what undergirds much of the relational fabric at Park Baptist Church. If this congregation becomes your church home, you'll likely discover that much of the ministry here falls into this simple category of hospitality. So what does that look like?
Admittedly some folks may feel awkward about being the one to invite people over, or out, when you're new. But we’ve tried to build a culture at Park where hospitality is normal. So we hope that members will reach out to newcomers, but we also hope that newcomers will step up and invite longer-term members and other new people over for a meal or out for an activity from the very early days of their time at Park. Living these kinds of open lives together is a big part of how we create and sustain the hospitable culture of a gospel community.
One very simple way to express hospitality is to simply stay around after the conclusion of our morning and evening services. We want to encourage you to stay around and talk, to speak to visitors and to people you don’t know, and to make initial connections with others in the church. It's part of how we're building a church that feels like the family of God.
Outpost Ministry
Every Sunday evening at 5:30 pm, a group of college students gathered for missionary training and planning to reach our community. We currently have over 20 student missionaries who are intentionally reaching out to unbelieving high school and college students in the hopes of forming discipleship relationships and offering a bridge to the local church. These student missionaries offer their time, talent, and treasure in service to the world to make disciples who will make disciples.
Calendar of Events
Sign up for our 2022 VBS: God Always Wins! CLICK HERE
Pastor Dave Kiehn's Blog
Blog Topic Cloud
See what we're talking about by scanning this Blog tag cloud for a topic of interest.
- #defundplannedparenthood
- 1 Peter
- 1 Thessalonians
- 1 Timothy
- 2 Peter
- abortion
- Abraham
- Acts
- apologetics
- beatitudes
- beattitudes
- Bible
- Bible and Money
- body of Christ
- Church
- Corinth
- Cross
- crucifixion
- Culture
- Debt
- Desires
- Devotional
- Discipline
- Elders
- faith
- fear
- fear of the Lord
- folly
- fools
- forgive
- forgiveness
- Francis Shaeffer
- friend
- friendship
- friendships
- fulfillment
- Genesis
- Giving
- golden rule
- Gospel
- Guard Your Soul
- Habakkuk
- Hobbit
- intolerance
- Isaac
- Jacob
- Jesus
- Jesus makes peace through his blood
- John Newton
- Joseph
- Joshua
- July 4th
- knowledge
- last words
- law
- Light vs darkness
- love
- Love
- Luke
- Martyrs
- Matthew
- Member Spotlight
- Minor Prophets
- Money
- Nahum
- Old Testament
- Parenting
- patience
- Paul
- Pauline epistles
- Persecution
- Perseverance of the saints
- Philemon
- Politics
- Proverbs
- Psalm
- Public Servants
- reconciliation
- repentance
- Resurrection
- righteousness
- Road to Emmaus
- Salt
- same-sex marriage
- seeing God
- Sermon on the Mount
- Sin
- Solomon
- sovereignty
- Suffering
- Supreme Court
- The Exemplary Church
- The Solid Rock
- Thessalonians
- trust
- wisdom
- Wisdom literature
- wise
- work
- Works vs Faith
Video Sermons
iTunes Podcast
Park Christian Counseling
Park Christian Counseling is a ministry of Park Baptist Church in Rock Hill, SC. We are praying that the Lord will strengthen our church, our families, and our community by allowing His people to think biblically by faithfully trusting Him through their weakest moments. We see clear instruction from Paul to “admonish” and “instruct” each other (Rom 15:14, Col 1:28). In today’s society many Christians are turning to extra-biblical resources to try to gain help and understanding in their struggles. The clear model that we have in the bible is for Christians, to teach Christians. We are praying that you would be encouraged by our ministry and God’s people will be bold to seek spiritual and lasting help, rather than relying on the tenants of this world who do not understand the reality of the spiritual battle we fight daily.
We at Park Christian Counseling are confident that the Bible contains all the necessary information for your life and your need for godliness (2 Peter 1:2-4). We do not need to go outside its pages to find the answers. Though it is not a medical book, it is a spiritual, relational, and behavioral book from God Himself. There is not and never will be another counselor more wise, more powerful, more loving, more insightful, and more worthy than Him. In Him, we will find all we need. He is sufficient and His Word is sufficient in leading us to Him.
Biblical Counseling
- - Depression
- - Anger, Bitter, Jealous
- - Worry, Fear, Anxious
- - Addiction
- - Parental Guidance
- - Child & Teen Guidance
- -Marriage
- -Abuse and Abused
- -Grief
- - How To Read The Bible
- - Discipleship
- - Theology
- - Evangelizing
- - Apologetics
- - Scripture Memorization
- - Liability Document
- - Personal Data Inventory
- - Counselor Responsibility
- - Donation Fundraising
- - Statement Of Faith
Financial Responsibility
Park Christian Counseling is a ministry of Park Baptist Church with no requirement of payment from you. We turn no one away for lack of funds. Yet, it does cost the church approximately $65-100 per session to provide this to you. We simply ask you to prayerfully consider contributing whatever amount you are able to defer those costs. Any amount that you contribute will allow us to continue offering this ministry to as many people as possible. To make one time or monthly recurring payments please CLICK HERE
Christ-Centered Counseling
Christ-centered counseling involves understanding the nature and causes of our human difficulties. It involves understanding the ways we are unlike Christ in our values, aspirations, desires, thoughts, feelings, choices, attitudes, actions, and responses. Resolving those sin-related difficulties includes being redeemed and justified through Christ, receiving God’s forgiveness through Christ, and acquiring from Christ the enabling power to replace unChristlike (sinful) patterns of life with Christlike, godly ones.
Bible-Centered Counseling
Truly Christian counseling is conscientiously and comprehensively based on the Bible, deriving its understanding of who man is, the nature of his main problems, why he has these problems, and how to resolve these problems from Scripture. In other words, the counselor must be conscientiously and comprehensively committed to the sufficiency of Scripture for understanding and resolving all the nonphysical personal and interpersonal sin-related difficulties of man.
Church-Centered Counseling
Scripture makes it clear that the local church is the primary means by which God accomplishes His work in the world. The local church is His ordained instrument for calling the lost to Himself and the context in which He sanctifies and changes His people into the very likeness of Christ. According to Scripture, the church is His household, the pillar and support of the truth, and the instrument He uses in helping His people to put off the old manner of life and to put on the new self (cf. 1 Timothy 3:15; Ephesians 4:1-32).
Contact Us
Call (803) 324–2915 from 9a – 5p daily, or use the form below to send us a note.
We'll be back in touch soon.
Online Member Directory
The Online Directory is accessible to Members only. You can find it through your Member Login on our Church Center App or online HERE